Thursday October 4, 2018
5 pm – 7 pm
The Theatre Centre
An event of the 12th 7a*11d International Festival of Performance Art
Every festival, many of our participating artists arrive with a treasure trove of publications, multiples, and other items that come out of or are produced alongside their performance practice. These could be hot-off-the-press items, links to online content, or works and objects that are difficult to circulate outside their own communities. We provide a public forum for the distribution and sale of such works by hosting the “official” Toronto launch of these rare commodities. Come join in a lively celebration and exchange of wares; there may even be a freebie or two!
All proceeds go directly to the artists.
Participants in this year’s launch include invited artists ARAHMAIANI, Gustaf BROMS, Hank BULL, Erika DEFREITAS, Darisuz FODCZUK, Louise LILIEFELDT, Cindy MOCHIZUKI, François MORELLI, Lala RAŠČIĆ, Elvira SANTAMARÍA, and Sandra VIDA collective members Golboo AMANI, Paul COUILLARD, Johanna HOUSEHOLDER, and Tanya MARS, as well as co-presenter Sur Gallery and long-time ally FADO Performance Art Centre.
This is also the Toronto launch of 7a*11d alumnae TouVA‘s The 7th Sense: Practicing Dialogues / Practicing Workshops / Practicing the Daily Performative / Practicing Performance Art.
Comprised of essays, a glossary, and contributions by 30 contemporary performance artists, The 7th Sense surveys the performative in, with and through language. It explores a vocabulary as a process of articulating what happens before, during and after a performative action, and expressing what is experienced by artist and audience. The TouVA collective presents a series of reflections in relation to their artworks and to the workshops that Sylvie Tourangeau, Victoria Stanton, and Anne Bérubé have taken and facilitated, inviting the emergence and recognition of an increased sensibility in this vibrant and fleeting performative: a 7th Sense.