Many of our participating artists arrive with a treasure trove of publications, multiples, wearables or other items that come out of or are produced alongside their performance practice. These could be hot-off-the-press items or works that are difficult to circulate outside their own communities. We provide a public forum for the distribution and sale of those works by hosting the “official” Toronto launch of these rare commodities. Come join in a lively celebration and exchange of wares; there may even be a freebie or two!
Sunday October 16 2:30 pm
OCAD U | 100 McCaul St Room 264
An event of the 11th 7a*11d International Festival of Performance Art
Check out work by Cindy BAKER, Annie Onyi CHEUNG, Elizabeth CHITTY, Randy Lee CUTLER, Silvio DE GRACIA, Bartolomé FERRANDO, Vanessa Dion FLETCHER, Francesco GAGLIARDI, MIKIKI and Graciela Ovejero POSTIGO. All proceeds go directly to the artists.
Plus, attention researchers and history buffs!
Today’s event also celebrates the official launch of two significant events in Canadian performance art history. First: public, online access to 7a*11d’s digital archive. Audiences will now be able to view video documentation of past festivals and events directly on the 7a*11d website. For this ongoing project, we have started with our first festival in 1997 and are gradually working our way forward. Converting all of those old Video 8, VHS-C, and miniDV tapes, we are preserving and providing access to as complete a digital record of past performances as possible, subject to the approval of the artists whose work is featured. And finally, join us in celebrating the publication of More Caught in the Act, the second anthology of performance art by Canadian women, co-edited by collective members Johanna HOUSEHOLDER and Tanya MARS.