2001 • ReciproCity/ RéciproCité


October 31 – November 4, 2001

ReciproCity/RéciproCité Montréal
organized by Josée TREMBLAY
Sponsored by Studio 303
October 31 – November 1

ReciproCity/RéciproCité Toronto
organized by Paul COUILLARD
November 3 – November 4
Gladstone Hotel | 1214 Queen Street West

Shannon COCHRANE with Jacob WREN (ON), Paul COUILLARD (ON), Margaret DRAGU (BC), Tagny DUFF (BC), Kirsten FORKERT (BC), Benjamin MUON (QC), Victoria STANTON (QC), SONGS OF THE NEW EROTICS (ON), Josée TREMBLAY (QC)

The Toronto portion of this 3-city performance exchange featuring artists from Montreal, Vancouver and Toronto begins at noon on November 3 with 12 hours of performances in the rooms of the Gladstone Hotel. Join the artists for a series of site-specific tableau scenes, interventions, one-on-one interactions and performance actions that consider and question concepts of shelter and dwelling. Bathing habits, surveillance cameras, backpack tours and Lotte Lenya will all play a role in this unpredictable and thought-provoking series of works.

The performances will be followed by a public round table discussion by the artists in the Gladstone Hotel’s bar on Sunday, November 4 at 1 pm. Artists will talk about their individual works as well as the process involved in making them, and consider questions of regional differences, the challenges of producing site-specific work, and the recent explosion of performance art activity across the country.

ReciproCity/RéciproCité Montréal

ReciproCity/RéciproCité Montréal

Based on the theme of consumer habits, the artists will inhabit a store-front window on Halloween (October 31). From 6:33 am to 10:30 pm, the artists will present their work at Elle Corazon in the heart of Mile End. From 11 pm on October 31 to 6 am on November 1, these same artists will …

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ReciproCity/RéciproCité round table discussions

2001 ReciproCity/RéciproCité Montréal Round table discussion

L’ancien Copie-Art | 813, rue Ontario
Thursday November 01, 2001, 12 pm

Artists will talk about their individual works as well as the process involved in making them, and consider questions of regional differences, the challenges of producing site-specific work, and the recent explosion of performance art activity across the country.

2001 ReciproCity/RéciproCité Toronto Round table discussion part 1

Gladstone Hotel | 1214 Queen Street West
Sunday, November 04, 2001, 1 pm

Artists will talk about their individual works as well as the process involved in making them, and consider questions of regional differences, the challenges of producing site-specific work, and the recent explosion of performance art activity across the country.

2001 ReciproCity/RéciproCité Toronto Round table discussion part 2

Gladstone Hotel | 1214 Queen Street West
Sunday, November 04, 2001, 1 pm

Artists will talk about their individual works as well as the process involved in making them, and consider questions of regional differences, the challenges of producing site-specific work, and the recent explosion of performance art activity across the country.

Supported in Toronto by the Toronto Arts Council and in Montreal by the Canada Council's Inter-Arts program.

Special thanks to our venue sponsors.

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