StrangeWays is a project of the International Bureau of Recordist Investigation and forms part of our ongoing research into the surreal, absurd, fantastic, and similar currents of contemporary art and culture. This live event will present the work of four contemporary performance artists, two from Canada and two from Europe, whose work demonstrates a fundamental connection with “the fantastic”, the realm of the illusory and the imaginary. This work can take a great many forms — myth and magick, nonsense, the grotesque, the absurd, the surreal, etc. — and each of the featured artists illustrates the wide diversity of concepts and strategies concerning “the fantastic” and its expression through the medium of performance.

A program of the the 3rd 7a*11d International Festival of Performance Art
Curated by S. HIGGINS and W. A. DAVISON of the International Bureau of Recordist Investigation
SU-EN Butoh Company, w/sound by SIX HEADS
Thursday October 26 8:30 pm
Art System, 327 Spadina Ave, 2nd floor
T. V. I. Reality Check
Monday October 30 all day
various locations throughout the Greater Toronto Area
An Evening with Ben Patterson
Wednesday November 1 8 pm
Art System, 327 Spadina Ave, 2nd floor
Saturday November 4 12 pm – 5 pm
Zsa Zsa Gallery, 927 Queen St W
For full description, see artists’ pages.
Ben PATTERSON’s participation co-sponsred by Le Lieu’s Rencontre internationale d’art performance de Québec