Check out 7a*md8 Live Stream artist Ali Asgar’s “Hit List”
7a*md8 Live Stream artist Ali Asgar is the featured contributor to Akimbo’s December 13 Hit List. Follow the link to read their “top five”.
7a*md8 Live Stream artist Ali Asgar is the featured contributor to Akimbo’s December 13 Hit List. Follow the link to read their “top five”.
As part of our On Line social media residency project, each of the artists who participated was asked to provide answers to a series of interview questions: 1. Tell us about your practice in general and how it intersects with social media. 2. How did you come to use social media as a platform for …
7a*md8 – On Screen is a collection of performances designed specifically for the camera by local, national and international artists.
7a*md8 On-Line features a series of social media residencies highlighting contemporary artists’ use of interactive online platforms to develop performance works that find new ways of connecting with audiences.
7a*md8 Live Stream is the third and final stage of our multi-platform exploration of performative practices in the digital age.
7a*md8 consists of a series of multi-platform performance-for-the-camera screenings and digital residencies distributed across a range of Toronto cultural spaces as well as online platforms. The Toronto Performance Art Collective (TPAC) has a record of supporting a diversity of practices in the field of performance art. Expanding from our established festival format, we would like …
Desire Lines is a visual art exhibition showcasing notable regional artists presenting artwork from a wide variety of disciplines and curated by Art Spin’s Layne Hinton & Rui Pimenta, organized by Art Spin in partnership with Waterfront Toronto. This exhibition responds to themes that deal with the highly nuanced dynamic of placemaking and what constitutes …
June 5-16, 2017Guild Park and Gardens (Un)settled is a site-specific exhibition and residency that sets out to investigate and unsettle the history of the Guild Park and Gardens—formerly the Guild of all Arts—in Scarborough, which has grown from a collection of rural communities into a dense and culturally diverse urban sprawl on the eastern flank …
By Jessica Karuhanga A conversation between Jessica Karuhanga and Michelle Lacombe M. Having seen some previous editions of 7a*11d, what, to you, distinguished this one from other incarnations? Did it feel representative of the festival? J. I have attended the last three iterations of 7a*11d so I will speak to these experiences. What I know …
Après Niagara Falls By Michelle Lacombe The first time I saw Doyon/Demers perform was only a few years ago. I was enthralled by their playful use of technology, their physically imposed loss of control, and their shared accountability in the work. Simultaneously absurd, corporeal and intimate, I find their performances to be like a romantic, …