STANTON, Victoria (see also TouVA COLLECTIVE)

Victoria Stanton, Invaders of the Everyday?" panel discussion 7a*11d 2010 PHOTO Henry Chan
Invaders of the Everyday Performance Art Daily closing panel
Sunday October 31 2 pm
Michael FERNANDES, Karen Elaine SPENCER, Joakim STAMPE, Victoria STANTON, moderated by Johanna HOUSEHOLDER
XPACE Cultural Centre | 58 Ossington Ave.
The art/life dichotomy was a driving tension of twentieth century art, fuelling the anti-spectacle sentiments of much performance art as well as inspiring the injection of the fantastic and virtual into daily life. Its more recent legacies include the ideals of interactivity and relational aesthetics—but these terms already seem exhausted. Ten years into a new century, this year’s panel considers the productiveness of the art/life tension/continuum for performance artists today.
Victoria Stanton does time-based work within a large variety of contexts. The common thread for any or all of these myriad actions is this: the ability to hold a space. Asking such questions as: What consciousness do we bring to the places that we occupy? How do places inhabit us? How do we interact with the surrounding environment–and further still, with others who we may encounter there? In a mindful occupation of successive sites, she initiates various ongoing series of accompanied quests, interpersonal transactions that consciously situate themselves in relation to both “the other” (as we each become the other to one (an)other) and to the context in which we find ourselves. Occurring both within and without the art-frame, the goal is to activate these sites by introducing a performative element via a relational exchange–collaboratively working toward expanding a moment in time while collapsing an already diminishing space between the artist/audience and art/life. Stanton participated in the 2010 festival as a member of the TouVA Collective.
Invaders of the Everyday? Performance Art Daily October 31, 2010 at Toronto Free Gallery featuring Michael Fernandes, karen elaine spencer, Joakim Stampe, Victoria Standon, moderator Johanna Householder

Victoria Stanton, Please Choose an Item from the Menu ReciproCity/RéciproCité Toronto 2001 PHOTO Andrew Pommier
Operation Cake Walk
Wednesday October 31 11 pm
anticorps | 4832, boul. St-Laurent
with the participation of Sylvette Babin, Stephen Cacclin, Paul Couillard, Louise Dubreuil and Tagny Duff
ReciproCity/ RéciproCité Montréal round table discussion
Thursday November 1 12 pm – 5 pm
L’ancien Copie-Art | 813, rue Ontario
Organized by Josée Tremblay as part of ReciproCity/RéciproCité Montréal
Sponsored by Studio 303
Please Choose an Item from the Menu
Saturday November 3 12 pm – 12 am
Gladstone Hotel | 1214 Queen Street West
ReciproCity/RéciproCité Toronto round table discussion
Sunday November 4 1 pm
Organized by Paul Couillard as part of ReciproCity/RéciproCité Toronto
Victoria Stanton is a text-based multidisciplinary artist who works both solo and collaboratively (Fluffy Pagan Echoes, 1994-1996; Officious Little Students, 1996-present; Play Group, 1999-present). Her creative work includes performance, public intervention, artist-books, zines and most recently, video. Her spoken word and visual performances have been presented in Québec, Ontario, British Columbia, New York State, France and Italy. Her performance texts have been broadcast on regional and national radio as well as recorded for various spoken word and music CD compilations.
Victoria Stanton, Please Choose an Item from the Menu ReciproCity/RéciproCité Toronto 2001
ReciproCity/RéciproCité Montréal round table discussion, L’ancien Copie-Art 2001
ReciproCity/RéciproCité Toronto round table discussion (part 1), Gladstone Hotel 2001
ReciproCity/RéciproCité Toronto round table discussion (part 2), Gladstone Hotel 2001