7a*md8 On-Line features a series of social media residencies highlighting contemporary artists’ use of interactive online platforms to develop performance works that find new ways of connecting with audiences. For artists working in performance, video-capture platforms like Snapchat, Periscope, Vine and Instagram provide an instant and accessible medium for documentation and dissemination. This allows, among other possibilities, for ongoing, cumulative performance practices that can record everyday situations at home and work spaces that have not always been accessible to a general public. These projects will be hosted on 7a*11d’s website and social media platforms and featured at a public launch at Trinity Square Video in December.

7a*md8 On-Line artists include Natasha Bailey, Kiera Boult, Yolanda Duarte, Bishara Elmi, Nadège Grebmeier Forget, Jessica Karuhanga, sab meynert, Mohammad Rezaei jes sachse, and Syrus Marcus Ware.
7a*md8 On Line artist interviews