
Poster from the plumb for Andrew J. Paterson's retrospective exhbition Never Enough Night, running April 26 - May 26 2024 PHOTO courtesy the plumb

Pate’s Salt Carp
Saturday May 11 4 pm
the plumb
1655 Dufferin Street (basement), Toronto

Pate is a senior gentleman whose life is suspended between analogue and digital. Pate downloads analogue documents prior to performing a daily memory exercise. After concluding the durational exercise, Pate prepares a special meal. This is a performance concerned with aging, remembering, and house cleaning, as well as with parameters of language and disclosure.

Pate’s Salt Carp is co-presented by Toronto Performance Art Collective (7a*11d) and FADO Performance Art Centre as part of the plumb‘s retrospective exhibition Andrew James Paterson: Never Enough Night, running April 26 – May 26, 2024.

Presented by the plumb and curated by Laura Carusi, Anthony Cooper, and Kate Whiteway, Andrew James Paterson: Never Enough Night is the most extensive survey exhibition of the seminal Canadian artist’s work to date. The exhibition will include a wide selection of Paterson’s video work spanning from the early 1980s through to the present, as well as poetry, painting, music, archival material, a live performance series, and an original catalogue. Never Enough Night includes a wide selection of Paterson’s video work spanning from the early 1980s through to the present, as well as poetry, painting, music, archival material, a live performance series, and an original catalogue.

Andrew James Paterson is an interdisciplinary artist based in Toronto. His work engages in a playful questioning of language, philosophy, community, and capitalism in a wide range of disciplines, including video, performance, writing, film, and music. He has exhibited nationally and internationally for over four decades. Paterson’s artist’s book Collection Correction was published in 2016 by Kunstverein Toronto and Mousse of Milan. His novelette Not Joy Division was published by IMPULSE B in Toronto in 2018. In 2019, Paterson was awarded a Governor General’s Award for his work in Visual and Media Arts.

the plumb is a DIY artist-run project dedicated to offering a surplus of space in a city where space is at a premium—particularly for artists, community organizers, and marginalized groups. We are interested in providing exhibition space to emerging artists, fostering dialogues with established voices, and providing a platform for culturally diverse artists and curators. the plumb is administered by an ad hoc collective of artists, writers, and curators working alongside guest programmers and collaborators. We strive to be responsive, quick-moving, and non-bureaucratic in our operations while maintaining principles of anti-racism, inclusivity, and consensus-based collaboration.


Andrew James Paterson, Symptoms of Whatever 7a*11d 1998 PHOTO Shannon Cochrane

Symptoms of Whatever
Thursday November 5 4 pm
Friday November 6 6 pm
Saturday November 7 3 pm
Zsa Zsa, 962 Queen St W (storefront window)

Curated by Shannon Cochrane and Paul Couillard as part of Field Trips

Toronto artist Andrew Paterson returns to 7a*11d with this storefront performance that considers fear, obsessive behaviour and agoraphobia. Working off of the gallery’s location across from the Queen Street Mental Health Centre, Paterson weaves drawing, tableau, music and text into a complex street level piece that draws parallels between dramatic meteorological phenomena and stigmatized mental and physical behaviour.

Well-known for his hip, engaging performance and video work, Andrew J. Paterson has also curated many programs of film, video and installation work that deal with mental health issues and institutions as well as projects that give voice to psychiatric survivors.

Andrew J. PATERSON, Symptoms of Whatever 1998 7a*11d ©Andrew James Paterson


Andrew J. Paterson, Performance: A Performance 7a*11d 1997 PHOTO Stefanie Marshall

Performance: A Performance
Friday August 8 8 pm
Symptom Hall | 160 Claremont St (just south of Dundas St W, west of Bathurst St)

Curated by Johanna Householder, Louise Liliefeldt, Derek Mohamed & Tracy Renée Stafford as part of Prognosis Terratoid Cabaret

Andrew James Paterson has created video and performance art pieces for 15 years.  Many of his video tapes are in active distribution, their completion assisted by a dozen grants over his career.  He has presented pieces and had screenings all over Canada, in Atlanta, Berlin, Belgium and Ireland. Performance:  A Performance has been produced at A Space in Toronto, the Stride Gallery in Calgary, and was published in the Spring 1996 issue of Canadian Theatre Review.

Eyewitness account

Andrew J. PATERSON, Performance: A Performance 7a*11d 1997 ©Andrew James Paterson

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