Spanning two years and featuring approximately 25 artists from Canada, the US, Europe and Asia, this series provides a broad look at issues of place and relationship. Public Spaces/Private Places explores the elements that turn neutral ‘space’ into meaningful ‘place’. These works examine the degrees of intimacy, connection and interaction that mark the dividing line between public and private. Public Spaces/Private Places is particularly concerned with performances created for intimate audiences. Some projects feature site-specific or installational environments that invite participants into a sensory or experiential journey. Others are process-oriented, involving public intervention, intimate gestures, or actions that may, by their nature, be nearly invisible. Many are designed primarily for an unsuspecting audience. Above all, what distinguishes these works is the artists’ restless, inventive impulse to find ways to allow our separate, unseen and sometimes contradictory imaginations to intermingle.

Curated by Paul COUILLARD for Fado Performance Inc.
Presented in conjunction with the 3rd 7a*11d International Festival of Performance Art
Jerzy ONUCH Between Us
Thursday October 26 7:30 pm
Art System, 327 Spadina Ave 2nd floor
Christine CARSON Numb/Hum: A Subterranean Metropolitan Opera
Wednesday November 1 to Friday November 3 8:15 am – 8:45 am
Osgoode subway platform (Queen St W & University Ave)
Tagny DUFF <<Public Web>>
Wednesday November 1 to Friday November 3 2 pm – 5 pm (40-minute interactive tours on the hour)beginning at Art System, 327 Spadina Ave 2nd floor
Maximum 10 people per tour
otiose (Ailith ROBERTS & John DUMMETT) spoken house
Wednesday November 1 to Thursday November 2 2 pm – 6 pm
(audio and text archive continues through Saturday November 4)
Art System, 327 Spadina Ave 2nd floor
For full description, see artists’ pages.
Fado project page for Public Spaces/Private Places