2002 Fado Performance Inc.’s Public Spaces/Private Places

Fado’s Public Spaces/Private Places is a three-year long international series exploring the elements that turn neutral ‘space’ into meaningful ‘place’ through performances that examine the degrees of intimacy, connection and interaction that mark the dividing line between public and private. The series explores the points where identity and geography intersect to generate meaning.

iwan Wijono performing Body for Rent / Body for Auction at Art System and surrounding areas (Chinatown, Kensington Market)
iwan Wijono, Body for Rent / Body for Auction 7a*11d 2002 PHOTO Louise Liliefeldt

A program of the 4th 7a*11d International Festival of Performance Art
Curated by Paul COUILLARD for Fado Performance Inc.

The Rootless Man: What U can give to Nature, not what U can take from Nature
Saturday November 2 8 pm
Art System

Body for Rent / Body for Auction
Thursday November 7 to Friday November 9 3 pm
Art System

For full description, see Iwan WIJONO’s artist page.
For additional information and documenation, visit FADO’s artist page for Iwan WIJONO.
Fado project page for Public Spaces/Private Places

Logo: FADO

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