This program of four videotapes by Istvan KANTOR, aka Monty CANTSIN, aka PUPPET GOVERNMENT, aka AMEN!, features ‘the dated radicalism of Neoist scum’ (quote appropriated from Philip Monk). As the internationally acclaimed ‘bad boy’ of Canadian performance, Kantor’s extensive resume includes frequent performances throughout North America and Europe. His work focuses on the excesses of capitalism and the challenges of 20th Century culture, and also includes extensive and important video documentation of performance work by a wide variety of artists.
Presented by Vtape
in conjunction with the 2nd 7a*11d International Festival of Performance Art
Artist Reception Wednesday November 4 6 pm
Tapes available for viewing during office hours throughout the festival
Vtape, 401 Richmond St W, 4th floor
Videos in program: Black Flag, Barricades, Red Flag and Jericho.