POPE.L, William

William Pope.L Eracism 7a*11d 1998 PHOTO Cheryl Rondeau
Friday August 21 8 pm
The Music Gallery, 179 Richmond St W
Curated by Johanna Householder and Louise Liliefeldt as part of Hybrids
William Pope.L is a black American artist who teaches in Maine. He is best known for his piece Eracism, a consideration of the social, economic and personal factors that allow American racism to exist. Variously called a lecture, a confession, a rant and an endurance test, this work treads an edgy line between explosive invective and a sympathetic just-plain-folks attempt to work out the details of the business of living.
William Pope.L, Eracism 7a*11d 1997 ©William Pope.L
Sunday August 23 2 pm
A Space Gallery, 401 Richmond St W
Coordinated by Johanna HOUSEHOLDER
Anna BANANA (Sechelt, BC), Adrian BLACKWELL and Kika THORNE (Toronto), William POPE.L (Maine USA), Deanne TAYLOR (Toronto); moderated by Johanna HOUSEHOLDER (Toronto)
Interventionism examines the ways in which performance has entered uninvited the realms of politics and the social. The panel brings together a number of artists who have produced work which has commandeered public space and discourse to a variety of ends.