
Marlene Madison Plimley, 7a*11 1998 PHOTO Cheryl Rondeau

Chiclette, the Posh Urban Piglet
Saturday August 22 12 pm
beginning from the corner of Queen St W & John St (outside CityTV Speaker’s Corner)

Curated by Shannon Cochrane and Paul Couillard as part of Field Trips

Marlene Madison Plimley will present Chiclette, the Posh Urban Piglet, a piece that examines questions of consumer culture and personal image. In the first part of the piece, she sits under an umbrella on a public street and has a make-up artist reconstruct her face to feature a large pig snout. With her elegant outfit and matching shopping bags, Chiclette looks the part of a well-heeled consumer, but for the unexpected snout. Once the transformation is complete, she goes on a four-hour shopping expedition through shops of Queen St W and Yorkville, interacting with shopkeepers and passers-by, taking public transit, and playing the part of the perfect modern shopper.

A graduate of Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design, Marlene Madison Plimley works in performance and electronic media