DONG, Chun Hua Catherine

Chun Hua Catherine Dong, The Arrival 7a*11d 2016 PHOTO Henry Chan
The Arrival
Friday October 14 7:30 pm
Geary Lane
The Arrival is a participatory research-based performance that examines identity, place, and belonging through languages and gestures. This performance starts from field research where I ask random people I meet on streets to say, “ Where are you from?” with different tones and emotions, I record their voices. I also invite people who I cannot meet in person to participate by asking them to record their own voices saying“ Where are you from?” and send them to me. The final project will be presented at 7a11d Festival where I use the recorded sound, salt, and paper boats to respond my research.
Chun Hua Catherine Dong has performed and exhibited her work in New York, Venice, Boston, London, Dublin, Helsinki, Madrid, Moscow, Miami, Tornio, Delhi, Turin, Kaunas, Santiago, Toronto, Montréal and so on. She is the recipient of a Franklin Furnace Award for performance art in New York in 2014.
Michelle Lacombe’s eyewitness account
Season 5: Episode 4 with Chun Hua Catherine Dong
Unedited *dead* livestream of Verb Frau TV with Chun Hua Catherine Dong
Performance Art Daily - Addressing cultural heritage through performance with Annie Onyi CHEUNG, Chun Hua Cathering DONG and moderator Tanya MARS, 7a*11d October 22 2016