CHEUNG, Annie Onyi

Annie Onyi Cheung, How I can—well-enough (or showing my work) 7a*11d 2016 PHOTO Henry Chan
How I can—well-enough (or showing my work)
Thursday October 20 5:30 pm
Geary Lane
I perform in my own videos, I also perform in secret when no one’s watching, and sometimes I perform live in front of, and when possible, with audiences. My tools and materials are usually convenient and common, allowing me to sculpt simple methods and models as templates of my lived experiences. My performances rely on the playful and unexpected results that come from experimentation, failure, and testing any limits of the performer, materials, and new technologies. This durational performance is in pursuit of understanding, familiarity, and connection with one who has always seemed impossibly close, and yet so far at the same time.
Annie Onyi Cheung makes performances, videos, and multimedia art objects and installations. She was born in Hong Kong and grew up in Scarborough, a suburb of Toronto. She studied at the University of Toronto and NSCAD University. She currently practices and teaches in Halifax, where she’s lived since 2012.
Performance Art Daily - Addressing cultural heritage through performance with Annie Onyi CHEUNG, Chun Hua Cathering DONG and moderator Tanya MARS, 7a*11d October 22 2016