FIVE HOLES: Listen! is a part of an ongoing performance art series that examines the significance of the body and senses. Listen!, the fourth installment in the series, focuses on the sense of hearing. Five projects featuring artists from Canada and the United States explore various implications of the process of listening through gestures, manoeuvres, and interventions into the physical, emotional, social, political and spiritual fabric of everyday life. Tow of these projects, Standard III by Éric Létourneau and Untitled (Selected Hearing) by Erika DeFreitas, are presented in the context of this year’s 7a*11d festival.
Presented by Fado Performance Inc. in conjunction with the 5th 7a*11d International Festival of Performance Art
Curated by Paul COUILLARD

Untitled (Selected Hearing)
Saturday October 23 4 pm – 8:30 pm
Sunday October 25 10 am – 2 pm
offsite one-on-one listening performance—reservation required

Standard III
discussion with curator Paul Couillard
Thursday, October 21 9:30 pm
For full descriptions, visit the individual artist pages.
FADO’s project page for FIVE HOLES: Listen!