d2d.5 = direct to documentation
Wednesday October 27 7 pm
The Gladstone Hotel | 1214 Queen St W
A screening of the 8th 7a*11d international Festival of Performance Art
Presented in collaboration with Granny Boots
Sponsored by Vtape
Year of the Rat | Finland 2009, 5:00 min | Year-long performance
Annette Arlander is one of the pioneers of Finnish performance art in the ’80s, and is one of the trail blazers of artistic research. She is professor of performance art and theory at the Theatre Academy, Helsinki.
harakka.fi/arlander or av-arkki.fi
The T Project | USA 2007, 2:47 min | 9 to 5 working day, part of an ongoing project
Sarah Banasiak & Alexia Mellor are Esbee Enterprises and Mellor Management respectively. Both seek to engage the public through familiar corporate practices and artist collaborations. alexiamellor.com/
Eyelash Extensions | USA 2009, 1:58 min | Performance of everyday life
Rachelle Beaudoin is an artist who uses videoand performance to explore feminine iconography and popular culture. She attended the College of the Holy Cross and she holds a Master’s degree in Digital Media from Rhode Island School of Design. rachellebeaudoin.com
Rainwater | USA 2009, 2:00 min | Performance of everyday life
Benjamin Bellas has exhibited his work internationallyat venues such as Contemporary Istanbul; Track 16, Los Angeles; Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago; Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh; la Space, Hong Kong; Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago; and Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki. benjaminzellmerbellas.com
Chain Reaction | Sweden 2009, 3:13 min | One-hour street performance
Anna Berndtson studied at Dartington College, UK and with Marina Abramovic at the HBK Braunschweig. In 2003 Anna and Irina Runge formed the performance duo Tall Blond Ladies. She is currently Artist in Residence at the Fire Station, Dublin, Ireland. berndtson-art.net
Time Out | USA 2001, 5:00 min | Prague, Nov. 2000; Geneva, Feb. 2001; Basel, May 2001
Myk Henry (USA) was born in Dublin, educated in Geneva and lives in NYC. He has been making performances and media installation since the early ’90s. mykhenry.com/
How to Feed A Piano | Canada 2008, 2:00 min | Three-hour performance from a series based on La Monte Young’s Compositions 1960
Candice Hopkins is an artist and is currently the Sobey Curatorial Resident, Indigenous Art, at the National Gallery of Canada. David Khang is a visual and performance artist, whose practice investigates intersections of languages. Khang works and teaches in Vancouver. davidkhang.com
Turkey’s Neck | Sweden 2009, 4:00 min | Three-hour performance over three days
Elin Lundgren & Petter Pettersson are theartistic directors of Lilith Performance Studio in Sweden. Since 2007, they have produced over 22 large-scale performances in close collaboration with artists from around the world. Their common interest lies in the warped and unfulfilled, throwing light upon universal questions about loss and sorrow in their respective artistry. lilithperformancestudio.com
When no one was looking I snuck backstage | Germany 2003, 4:35 min | Performance for video projection
Sophia New received her MA in Feminist Performance from the University of Bristol in 1999. With Daniel Belasco Rogers she is the cofounder of plan b. planbperformance.net
Young and Innocent | Ireland 2009, 5:00 min | Six-hour performance at the Visual Center for Contemporary Art (Carlow, Ireland)
Lessons in Motivation | Ireland 2009, 2:45 min | Six-hour performance installation, École des Beaux Arts (Avignon)
Declan Rooney currently runs Berlin-based Kunstprojects and is a former Director of the Independent Performance Group. Rooney is a member of the performance groups The New Spastiks (with Herma Auguste Wittstock) and The H*E*R*D Group (with Eunhye Hwang). declanrooney.com
Daniel Baird’s eyewitness account