By Jessica Karuhanga

Rose, magenta, coral, gold and yellow. These are the hues you may potentially use to embellish and enjoy the stains left as remains from bodies performing their menstrual cycle. Vanessa Dion Fletcher acts as both an entrepreneur and our motivational speaker. We wait while elevator music plays softly in the background. In the distance you can hear water running from a sink. We are told by Dion Fletcher she is on her way. That she will only be a moment. A display table hosts towers of folded white underpants. A gradient row of pinks vessels echo Dion Fletcher’s pink belt, shoes and nail polish.
Dion Fletcher begins her presentation with testimonials through her lens. Former and potential clients range from Jess Dobkin and Hillary Clinton to New Mexico senator Tom Udall. During her presentation she realizes she had an accident and uses the opportunity to demonstrate the product’s effect. Everybody wants the product but nobody wants to need the product. She fastidiously accessorizes her stain.Vanessa Dion Fletcher likes to cover the blood drips with rose coloured polka dots. “The more dots the merrier,” she exclaims as she follows the hemline running along her thighs. As soon as she completes the task Dion Fletcher invites audience members to sample the product. Audience members veer toward the heaps of white underwear. They unfold pairs to reveal stubborn brown stains. They transform these stains into images. Dion Fletcher re-folds them and packages them as souvenirs. These keepsakes are tied with ribbon. She then posits the question — How much are we willing to spend on our leaking bodies? As members call out numbers she adjusts the price marks accordingly. Purchases may range from $7.11, $10 or 3 for $25.