2008 • “Finally the Name Pays Off!" Lip Sync Smack Down
presents a Lip Sync Cabaret Funrazor Event in support of the upcoming 7a*11d International Festival of Performance Art:
our 7th festival in 11 years…
Thursday August 21, 2008
Gladstone Hotel Ballroom
1214 Queen St W, Toronto
doors open 9 pm
Hosted by Keith Cole, the Lip Sync Smack Down is back!
Toronto’s most beloved artists and performers strut their stuff on
the Gladstone Ballroom stage for one night only!
Chandra Bulucon, Jess Dobkin, Paul Couillard, Ed Johnson, Fat Femme Mafia, Andrew Harwood, Johanna Householder, Ina unt Ina, Kirsten Johnson, Louise Lilifeldt, Shane McKinnon, Allyson Mitchell, Roy Mitchell, Adam Paolozza, Andrew J. Paterson, Fay Slift, RM Vaughan and many more!!
And others!! Plus one really unbelievable raffle prize you so want.

Lipsync performers prayer
Grant me the serenity to sing the songs I can, the courage to lipsync the songs I can’t, and the wisdom to know the difference.