T, Julie Andrée (see also TREMBLAY, Julie Andrée)

Julie Andrée T., Don’t Go Out That Would Be Sad 7a*11d 1998 VIDEO STILL
Don’t Go Out That Would Be Sad
Saturday October 31 8 pm
87 Wade Ave, 3rd floor
Curated by Churla Burla as part of Performances for an Orange and Violet Room
Julie Andrée T writes of her new work for 7a*11d:
“Silence. Out of word. There is no need. But then yes there is. It is not a question of self mutilation but a question of how the body reacts to his environment. It is not a result of feelings but a series of rational decisions.
“Few ideas… Sit on a chair. Quiet. Open the mouth. Fall on the floor.
“Don’t go out that would be sad.
“Is a universal urban landscape possible?
“No gender.”
Julie Andrée T Don't Go Out That Would Be Sad 7a*11d 1998