
Cyclists in Don Simmons' Picked you out of my pocket and death was the door prize 7a*11d 2008 PHOTO Henry Chan
Picked you out of my pocket and death was the door prize
Friday October 31 8 pm
XPACE Cultural Centre
Picked you out of my pocket and death was the door prize references the cynical colloquial phrase “door prize” – an award given to cyclists by motorists who fail to look prior to opening their vehicle doors. Simmons’ performance will explore the relational content of these fast-paced, highly emotional moments and analyze them using the emotional tension of the cinema and actions in multiple. Examining live action vs. cinemagraphic action, he will present a performance of mass ornament incorporating bicycles and cinemagraphic sound.
Originally from Mount Pearl, Newfoundland, Don Simmons is an artist living in Toronto. Recent exhibitions include Play/Grounds: Scaling the Premises curated by Swapna Tamhane in Toronto and Aural Cultures curated by Jim Drobnick at Walter Phillips Gallery in Banff, Alberta. Simmons taught in the Media Arts and Digital Technologies Department of the Alberta College of Art & Design from 2002 to 2006.
Andrew James Paterson’s eyewitness account
Elaine Wong’s eyewitness account
Andrew James Paterson’s additional observations on Picked you out of my pocket and death was the door prize