sachse, jes

jes sasche
Monday November 19 to Saturday November 25
featured on Instgram #7amd8
Presented in partnership with Dancemakers
From the framed confines of photographic self-portraiture, to the liminal-living performance of social media propagation, to the physical disruption of large-scale sculptural installation, my work seeks to pervade the nexus of public and private spaces. I move in and out of crip spaces constantly, a dance so rehearsed, it moves with me sometimes not seeing the seams. My body of work is connected to just that: my body. Negotiations of movement compel me to make the barriers and constraints I face just as much a part of the work I create as I do their destruction. But movement has been a means of survival, as a young queer person approaching liminal emancipations on dance floors. As a poor disabled person taking out frustrations in back alley impromptu choreographies.
jes sachse is a Toronto-based performer, artist and curator obsessed with disability culture & the age of the internet. Living across the blurred lines of autism, genetic disability, gender fluidity and madness, they are currently working on their first illustrated novel, Gutter, which will portray these dilemmas through a multi-modal narrative form, reflecting at once on both a crip navigation of contemporary culture, and the permeation of traumas in spaces of invisibilized violence.
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jes sachse interview

jes sachse PHOTO courtesy of the artist
moderator, Disabled bodies in performance
Wednesday October 19 12:30 pm
Theatre Centre
jes sachse is a Toronto-based poet, artist & writer obsessed with disability culture, millennial woes & the Age of the Internet. Living across the blurred lines of autism, genetic disability, genderfluidity and madness, they are currently working on their first illustrated novel, Gutter; a crip navigation of contemporary culture, and the permeation of medical trauma in spaces of invisibilized violence.
Performance Art Daily - Disabled bodies in performance with Cindy BAKER, Vanessa Dion FLETCHER, and moderator Fjes sachse, 7a*11d October 19 2016