NORRIS, Judith

Judith Norris, Holy Dog7a*11d 1998 SCREEN SHOT
Holy Dog
Saturday, November 7 8 pm
DeLeon White Gallery, 455 King St W
Curated by Paul Couillard and Louise Liliefeldt as part of Pousse-Café
Presented by Mercer Union
On the Similkameen Res. In Toronto. A horse with lightning bots on his legs galloping through time and space. Transportation from west to east and back again, via the north and south. Everything happens in a circle…
Judith Norris is a multi-disciplinary First Nations artist of Plains Cree cultural affiliation. Jude’s work focuses on relationship — to self, others, animal world, earth, culture, community, territory, technology, spirit world, time/timelessness and the ‘Great Mystery’ — and the placement of those relationships in contemporary situations.