KUBOTA, Nobuo with SAIT, David

Nobuo Kubota, 2012. PHOTO courtesy of the artist
Sunday October 28 4 pm
Mercer Union – A Centre for Contemporary Art
I like the idea of performing without any preconceived notion of what I am going to present. I suppose much of my attitude comes from the influence of John Cage and the idea of ‘chance operations’ and improvisation. There are many forms or degrees of improvisation, but I am of the opinion that a constant flow of new original ideas during a performance is rare. My improvisation depends upon the support of a ‘style’ and ‘mannerism’ in my technique and presentation. I enjoy performing with musicians without having any prior idea of the kind of music they play.
Nobuo Kubota was born in 1932, in Vancouver, B.C. He graduated from the University of Toronto with a degree in architecture and practiced for 10 years before deciding to become an artist. He was introduced to sound poetry by the Four Horsemen in 1984 and is an improvising vocalist, as well as a sculptor, video artist, performer and Éminence Grise for the 7a*11d Festival.
David Sait is a guzheng improviser, the co-editor of Soundlist (an e-newsletter for Toronto experimental music), co-curator of the Gone Fishing Experimental Music Series, and a member of the 10-person collective that operates the artist-run space Somewhere There in Toronto.
Nobuo Kubota with David Sait, untitled 7a*11d 2012 ©Nobuo Kubota