meynert, sab

Sab Meynert
Sunday October 1 to Saturday October 7
featured on Instagram #7amd8
In this project, sab uses the movement and dynamism of video alongside the temporality and liminality of social media platforms to communicate her (mostly flat) practice into a series of flatnesses. To build a body of work formed around the thresholds of time. To stretch and overcome the limits of the body and a fixed practice, and the notion of usage, through the electromagnetic rhizome of the web. Beyond medium into pulsing light.
sab meynert is an artist and writer based in Toronto, whose work has been recognized as a melodic counterpoint to the independent arts and publishing sector. Their work spins poetic imagery and text to weave maps of visceral emotions and the multiformity of life’s infinitely unfolding nature. Done through independently published artist multiples, national and international gallery shows, grant-funded bodies of work, collaborative initiatives with high profile musicians, music labels and artists, and their September world-distributed publishing debut, Sprawling Heart, sab’s work is the embodiment of an artist working in dynamic multiplicity.
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sab meynert interview 2017