MARACLE, Aiyyana
Six Nations/Canada

Aiyyana Maracle, ndn wars are alive and ... well? 7a*11d 2006 PHOTO Gale Allen
ndn wars are alive, and … well?
Sunday October 22 6 – 9 pm
Trinity Bellwoods Park
Presented by Fado Performance Inc. as part of the IDea series
“The ndn wars: Canada’s Indigenous people remain resistant to the perpetuation of an unjust colonial relationship with ‘the Crown,’ and within Canadian society. The Crown, by its own actions and inactions more so than its words, continues to show its resistance to entering into a new era of an equitable, respectful, peaceful relationship between our cultures and peoples. Canada the meek; Canada, the world’s peacekeeper. Can there be peace in this world while this country remains so willing to, yet again, engage in violent repression of the Indigenous people of this land?”
Video: Aiyyana Maracle and La Mathilde
Aiyyana Maracle is an award-winning multidisciplinary artist who has recently re-located to Montréal to take-up a Visiting Scholar position at McGill University. Amidst her research work, she will be traveling to Essen, Germany in November to present a new performance work.
FADO aritst page for Aiyyana Maracle
In Memoriam: Aiyanna Maracle
Aiyyana Maracle, ndn wars are alive, and ... well? 7a*11d 2006 EDIT Annie Onyi Cheung ©Aiyyana Maracle and Fado Performance Inc.
Aiyyana Maracle, ndn wars are alive, and ... well? 7a*11d 2006 EDIT Annie Onyi Cheung ©Aiyyana Maracle and Fado Performance Inc.