dodginghorse, seth cardinal


seth cardinal dodginghorse PHOTO Darin Gregson

dirt song (calling to yesterday, today and tomorrow)
Wednesday October 9, 7 pm
630 Queen Street East

dirt song (calling to yesterday, today and tomorrow) is a new sound performance and intervention by seth cardinal dodginghorse using cassette tape, electric guitar, effects pedals, traditional Prairie Chicken dance bells and field recordings. Originally commissioned by Newworks Calgary in winter 2024, this performance has grown into a new body of work and sonic explorations of the artists relationship to land and memory. Canada, an ongoing colonial project continues to destroy the natural environment and displace Indigenous people and animals in the name of oil and other destructive economic developments (highways). dirt song explores a future where the soundscape of urban spaces (vehicles and construction) have been replaced with what has always been here, the land, the animals, and Indigenous people.

seth cardinal dodginghorse is a multidisciplinary artist, Prairie Chicken Dancer, experimental musician and cultural researcher. They grew up eating dirt and exploring the forest on their family’s ancestral land on the Tsuut’ina Nation. In 2014 their family was forcibly removed from their homes and land for the construction of the Southwest Calgary Ring Road. This life changing event has been the focus of their creative work. seth’s current music project is lawrence teeth, they are also a part of the artist collective tīná gúyáńí (Deer Road) with their mother Glenna Cardinal.
Instagram: sadbirthdays, lawrence_teeth

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