BRASS, Robin

Robin Brass Mi Imā Ēhkosit 7a*11d 2010 PHOTO Henry Chan
Mi Imā Ēhkosit
Friday October 22 8 pm
Mercer Union
Sponsored by imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival
Recently, I have been working in/with the Nahkawē language (Saulteaux – most westerly branch of Anishinabe). Mi Imā Ēhkosit is often said when one comes to the ‘end’ of a story. The concept communicated is that the telling is only temporarily ceased, that the story is temporarily ‘hung’ as in hanging a drum on the wall. I was interested in this as a place of convergence of multiple narratives, interconnectedness and renewal, where a re-ordering of intention takes place prior to rebirth in new directions; which stories to tell? how to tell them? the stories go on and on… we never stop.
Robin Brass is an interdisciplinary artist whose practice explores Indigenous orality and way of being through Nahkawēwin (Nahkawē/Anishinabe language). She is a recipient of the Lynch- Staunton Award in performance art and currently resides in Regina, Saskatchewan.
Performance Art Daily October 24, 2010 at Toronto Free Gallery feautring Maurice Blok, Robin Brass, Brian Connolly, moderator Paul Couillard