
Nenad Bogdanovic, Seventh situation for a nicer painting 7a*11d 2008 VIDEO STILL
Seventh situation for a nicer painting
Thursday October 30 8 pm
XPACE Cultural Centre
This performance is a link between live art and painting; we could say “action painting” but in a way that gives the action itself a new, strong context in its own right, not just as a way to obtain an aesthetic effect. Here, life – although with a fragmented, symbolic gesture – enters the action of painting in order to create an image that is directly linked to “the everyday,” to common activity. The artist indicates that art is for him an ongoing process and performance is a life attitude not just an occasional “act.”
Nenad Bogdanovic is a freelance visual and performance artist, publisher and curator, born in 1955 in Odzaci, Serbia. From 1984 to 1988 he founded and published the international art magazines Total and Second Manifesto, and is the founding director of Multimedial Art Studio and MAS Gallery in Odzaci. He is also the organizer and curator of IMAF, the International Multimedial Art Festival, which since 1998 is dedicated to performance art. He has made performances and art actions for festivals worldwide. In 2003 he produced two performances, International Art Project: Brain Academy Apartment for the 50th International Venice Biennial.
Andrew James Paterson’s eyewitness account
Elaine Wong’s eyewitness account
Nenad Bogdanovic, Seventh situation for a nicer painting 7a*11d 2008