And they’re off and debating!

By Randy Gledhill

It is the morning after the nite before. Day 1 is fin complet. The messes have been contained (actually, strangely, there were none, except a bit of left-over smoke – a first for a performance festival opening nite of this stature). Everyone, I assume, is well slept, has finished their morning yoga routine with laDragu, and is ready for the second round of ‘Performance Art Daily’ – where yesterday’s conversation themed ‘the international network’ was almost skewed by self-appointed ‘King of Bad Can’t Sin’ into a kind of whine fest of ‘Rage against the Institution that I really want to love me.’ “I hate it. I want it. It needs me. ” It was a lively debate at any rate (yawn) and ‘Princess’ exited with her growing entourage, through the front door, a tad fragile, but with her tiara untarnished.

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