AJJI, Tejpal S.


Tejpal S. Ajji, Drag

Kuch [something] kardah [he is doing]
Saturday October 21 2 pm
Toronto Free Gallery

Meh [I] bunahn [make] laghiya [will] ik [a] kum [work] jhidhey [in] vich [which] meh [I] kasuri mehti [fenugreek] kahwanga [will eat] athay [and] meray [my] purseenay [sweat] choo [in which] ik [a] duji [another] mithi [sweet] kushboo [smell] ahaygi [will come]. Nalay [Also] meh [I] kum [work] karanga [will] nal [along with] lohki [people] jirey [who] Guyana [Guyana] thay [and] Trinidad [Trinidad] thon [from] hein [are]. Yaanikay [So that] sahnu [we] patha [know] lagayga [will] kidha [how] usi [we] sadhi [our] patscha [language] nu [ ] pulday [we forget] hein [do], yaad [remember] kardey [we do] hein [ ], athay [and] bunahndey [make] hein [do].

Tejpal S. Ajji is a Malton, Onatario based artist whose ongoing investigation in the “invisible structures” of genetics, gravity, airborne disease, and government bureaucracy have led to an interest in social engineering processes. Development in government subsidized housing, immigration integration and colonial policy from personal and broader cultural experience are explored in multi-platformed projects. His work has been presented in the Regent Park area of Toronto, Toronto Free Gallery, and the Images Festival. He is curator in residence at the J.M. Barnicke Gallery, Toronto.